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Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship with Miles

May 26, 2018

Ready to start outsourcing or hire a virtual assistant, but not sure where to start? This video reveals my entire team by walking you through my organizational chart and I share my biggest mistake I've made in outsourcing to help you avoid this challenge.

This video starts out with a concept behind our business and the goals of the organizational chart… You learn that Melanie and I are running a niche digital media business and why it is important for you to consider yourself a media business, too!

We start at the top of the organizational chart with the talent and then the second goal which is to protect the talent from all of the "less than valuable" tasks.

From here we begin to outsource the many different roles required to support the growth of our digital business, the syndication of our content, and the expansion of our reach.

If you are wondering why we operate with such an aggressive content marketing approach, be sure you check out this video: 5 Reasons Why An Aggressive Content Marketing Schedule Is Crucial To Your Success Online

You will learn who the first tires were, who are full-time teammates are, why we have backups for all of our teammates… And a cross-section of the "on demand" outsourcers we use for different tasks.

I share three of the places that I use and recommend as an affiliate to find teammates, or get help doing so.

#1 - On Demand Graphics Design -

#2 - Online Jobs Philippines -

#3 - Virutal Assistant Recruiter -

For us, the biggest workload we first focus to offload was all of the graphics required to create a professional presence on all of the different platforms active today.

From Pinterest and Facebook to Instagram and YouTube, social media requires a never ending supply of high quality graphics.

Then all of the blog posts, header images, logos, book covers, product images, flyers, business cards, teacher designs, CD covers, etc... Have created a massive workload for our designer.

When you mix in the required graphics for the Miles Beckler brand, on top of our main business… We had to expand our graphics capability. Plus it is always good to have a backup because two is one and one is none!

For more insight to our Pinterest marketing plan, watch as video:

For more insight to our Instagram marketing plan, watch this video:

The next area we began outsourcing was customer support. At first I did all of the customer support myself until the tickets were requiring multiple hours per day at this point we brought on a full-time teammate.

She doesn't just handle our customer support, she assists with our social media marketing, outreach campaigns, WordPress help, and a wide variety of other virtual assistant tasks.

Then we hired a backup teammate for her so we could be sure she has the freedom to take vacation time, sick time, etc.

Then we look at the different independent contractors we use for various projects and tasks...

From our content marketing team who takes my videos and turns them into blog posts, to our book editor, transcriptionist, layout design person, bookkeeper, accountant, to our integration specialist who helps us with managing active campaign, automations and fancy segmenting stuff that I don't like to do.

Once all of the roles are filled out in the diagram you see the video, you will begin to understand how this actually turned out to create the largest challenge were currently facing our business.

This is where things get messy! But that's okay, because success is messy :

People in our space are always amazed at how small the team we actually have for the amount of traffic, leads and revenue were able to create month over month.

The biggest reason for this, in my personal opinion… Is that we constantly focus on our 4% rule… The 4% rule comes from applying the 80/20 principle to itself. This is how we always refocus our efforts on the most valuable activities, at all times.

Watch this video to learn more about the 4% rule and how it can be a massive breakthrough for you in your business:

All in all, this is the biggest take away I can offer you for outsourcing to virtual assistants... Make sure you are outsourcing what you're not naturally great at and all of the items that are keeping you from doing the most valuable work that only you can do.